"Mezzo-soprano, cantor and Concordia alumna Sofia Falkovitch enjoys her international reach. Falkovitch’s remarkable singing talents extend beyond her voice and onstage presence ..."
– Concordia University
"Today's leading voice of the Jewish Cantorial Art"
– Allegro
"Falkovitch offers her view of millennia-old traditions. As a trained cantor and also a classical singer, she has all the prerequisites, both musically and in terms of her cultural integration, to give this music an authentic touch."
– Pizzicato
"Her breathtaking 3-octave voice convinced even the biggest sceptics!"
2024 Release!
2024 Release!
EP 1492 SLOW/FAST, in collaboration with Producer & DJ Claudio Arditti, is available on all platforms:
2024-2025 Recordings for France Television, C8/Canal+, New Releases, Masterclasses, Festivals & Exclusive Concert Season
Sofia's Masterclass - a one-of-a-kind experience in French/English/German/Russian..
Cantor Sofia Falkovitch shares her expertise in Sacred Hebrew and Aramaic Chants, Cantillation, Phrasing, Breath Control and Eternal Vocal Presence.
To inquire about individual online classes please email: cantor@sofiafalkovitch.com
And so much more ahead! Stay tuned!
💫 2022-2023 Through the lens of the Shechinah:
Sofia is thanking her loyal international communities for making history together!
Recent highlights include:
✨Soul Sisters goes to Strasbourg!
Festival Sacrées Journées
20/10 @8pm - Eglise Saints-Pierre-et-Paul
21/10 @8pm - Eglise Ste Aurélie de Strasbourg
Bonn 12/03 @4pm
Limburg 30/04 @4pm
Felsberg (Kassel) 25/06
Hannover 27/8 @3pm
Kiel 15/10 @3pm Theater im Werftpark
Bernau 12/11 - Opening of Land Brandenburg’s Week against Anti-Semitism
Dresden 10/12
✨Major Event Kirchentag
June 7-11 2023
Meistersingerhalle & Messezentrum
✨UNESCO‘s Official Ceremony live from Paris Headquarters January 26 2023
✨Oratoire du Louvre Commemoration February 12 2023✨Transcendental High Holiday Services in the heart of Hamburg at its landmark location considered to be the finest Hanseatic architectural heritage, at the St. Michaeliskirche Bach-Saal 2022
GERMANY✨Groundbreaking Recordings in Paris, creativity coming from tradition 2022
FRANCE✨Appointed Official Representative of the European European Cantors Convention 2022
EUROPE✨Sensational Performances in the heart of downtown Budapest, UNESCO world heritage site the historic district of Belvaros, in the glorious Rumbach Synagogue 2022
HUNGARY✨Impactful Performance in the Historic Mozart-Saal in the heart of Hamburg celebrating over 200 Years Liberal Judaism 2022
✨Official delegation to Auschwitz for the duty of memory 2022
POLANDUNESCO’s Official Commemoration Ceremony on 27/01/2022 includes high-level remarks by the UN Secretary-General António Guterres, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay H.E. Mr Olaf Scholz, Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, and H.E. Mr Isaac Herzog, President of the State of Israel, and Mr Piotr Cywiński, Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, and performances by violinist Renaud Capuçon, UNESCO Artist for Peace, and traditional prayers El Male Rachamim and Kaddish from cantor and mezzo-soprano Sofia Falkovitch from the Crypt of the Mémorial de la Shoah in Paris.
27 January marks the anniversary of the liberation of the concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in 1945. The date was designated as the International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust by the United Nations General Assembly in 2005.
RECENT PAST (Selection)
GERMANY Concert Tour 2021-2022
Sofia Falkovitch performs with Shoshana Klezmer Ensemble
in the most beautiful Jewish sites and breathtaking Christian locations
26/8/2021 @7pm - Gelsenkirchen
29/8/2021 @3pm- Hamburg
17/10/2021 @5pm - Erfurt
23/10/2021 @7pm - Aachen
24/10/2021 @4pm - Minden
28/11/2021 @5pm - Lörrach
(New Dates & Cities TBA)
14/11/2021 @5pm - Last Parisian Performance Touring
Sofia Falkovitch & Raphael Tambyeff
Temple d'Auteuil
53 rue Erlanger
75106 Paris
19-20/11/2021 - Sofia Falkovitch takes part in Enrico Macias's Exceptional Sephardic Music Night Events
JEM à l'air Séfarade
le vendredi un grand dîner chabbatique aux salons Hoche à 20h30
et le samedi un concert acoustique à la synagogue Copernic
5/9/2021 - Film "Cantor Sofia Falkovitch in Six Moments of the Jewish Liturgy" broadcasting as television premiere on Allegro HD
6-7/9/2021 - Rosh Hashana Services with cantor Sofia Falkovitch
16/9/2021 - Yom Kippur Services with cantor Sofia Falkovitch
La synagogue de Beaugrenelle - JEM
75015 Paris
3/10/2021 @2pm - Film Premiere "Inhabiting One's Name - a French story", by Céline Masson
Museum of Jewish Art and History
71 Rue du Temple
75003 Paris
10/10 @3:30pm, 12 & 13/10/2021 @8:30pm - Worldpremiere Guilgoul
"Metamorphosis of a Name"
featuring cantor Sofia Falkovitch
Théâtre du Gymnase Marie Bell
38 boulevard de Bonne nouvelle
75010 Paris
20/10/2019 @4 pm - Sofia Falkovitch
à l'Eglise de la Madeleine
Place de la Madeleine
75008 Paris
10/2019 - Sofia Falkovitch sur Judaïques FM
10/11/2019 @4:30pm - Sofia Falkovitch in Concert Commemoration of Kristallnacht "Restoring the Broken Glass"
Historic Chicago Loop Synagogue
Chicago, IL
14/11/2019 - Sofia Falkovitch en concert
Oratoire du Louvre
145 Rue Saint-Honoré
75001 Paris
20/11/2019 - Sofia Falkovitch chante lors de l'inauguration du Réseau de recherche sur le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (RRA) à la Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS)
à Lille
01/12/2019 - Sofia Falkovitch guest
Le Grand Live, i24NEWS
Paris - Tel Aviv
11/12/2019 - Sofia Falkovitch en concert
Temple de l'Etoile
54 Avenue de la Grande-Armée
75017 Paris
06/01/2019 @6pm - Sofia Falkovitch guest
Arts and Culture Show, Deutsche Welle TV
14/01/2020 - Atelier conférence au Forum 104
104 rue de Vaugirard
06-10/02/2020 - Sofia Falkovitch en concert
Théâtre du Complexe Culturel Sidi Belyiout
31/05/2020 - Sofia Falkovitch in Concert
07/06/2020 - Sofia Falkovitch in Concert
13/06/2020 à 20h - Sofia Falkovitch en concert "Voices & Stones"
Festival d'été
Chants hébraïques et chants d'amour (Hebrew & Love Songs) CD Release 2017
12/02/2019 at 10:30am - Sofia Falkovitch speaks about her current events with Lise Gutmann on Judaïques FM
06/12/2018 at 11:05 - WDR 5 - Neugier genügt - Redezeit, Cologne
21/11/2018 - Radio RCJ, Tel Aviv
01/11/2018 - Radio publique israélienne Kan, Tel Aviv
18/10/2018 - DW News, Focus on Europe
23/05/2018 at 9pm - Deutsche Welle, guest of the day in Der Tag, Berlin
04/04/2018 - WDR Cosmo - Radio po-russki (from 23:25 min)
31/01/2018 - i24NEWS en direct, émission Tendances,
Tel Aviv - Paris
18/12/2017 - Radio RCJ en direct, Paris
28/9/2017 - Radio publique israélienne Kan, Jérusalem
14/7/2017 - Portrait, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Berlin
18/5/2017 - Radio Judaïques FM 9h30, Paris
Israel-Release-Concert 31/10/2018
Levontin7, Tel Aviv
Germany-Release-Concert 3/9/2017
European Days of Jewish Culture,
France-Release-Concert 21/6/2017
Fête de la musique
Librairie Lamartine, Paris
Sofia Falkovitch speaks about her current events
with Lise Gutmann on Judaïques FM
This is a little journey of 7 languages in one take. It is an attempt to express how I feel about the languages I speak and how they happened to appear in my life. It is also an experiment in intercultural communication and the various language movements in our global village that I am sure many of us can relate to. I had fun making it, hope you enjoy watching! – Sofia Falkovitch
Les Voix de la Paix
Paris City Hall
„Klingendes Israel" - Musikreise Opernregisseur Michael Sturm
On January 15 2016, Sofia Falkovitch sings atop the fortress of Masada in the ancient synagogue as part of a cultural trip she accompanies which intends to introduce Israel through music and operas in each of its cities.
Sofia officiates as High Holy Day Cantor since 2010 in the following cities world-wide:
New Albums!
All CDs ordered here can include personal gift messages and be autographed by Sofia Falkovitch. Make sure to leave us a message with your order.
CD - SOUL SISTERS (Sœurs d'Âme)
19,99 €Hazzan (cantor) Sofia Falkovitch creates a new bridge of dialogue by interweaving Ashkenazi and Sephardic melodies with her musicians and guest singer Françoise Atlan by opening in this way the door to ancient traditions. This project, Soul Sisters, is accompanied by qanun and cello.QuantityComing soonCD - THE VOICE OF SACRED HERITAGE (La Voix de l'Héritage Sacré)
19,99 €Sofia Falkovitch, mezzo-soprano and cantor, interprets psalms and sacred Hebrew music, accompanied by Raphael Tambyeff on the organ. A captivating and spiritual album!QuantityComing soonCD - Chants hébraïques et chants d'amour (Hebrew and Love Songs)
19,99 €A 5-star award-winning CD from Diapason D'Or, Classica and Pizzicato.
"Expressive singing ... Beautiful recording ... The widespread programme is presented in a subtly nuanced, soulful manner." - Pizzicato
For the first time in France, Jewish sacred music is sung by a female cantor accompanied by a chamber orchestra. The primary aim of the artist Sofia Falkovitch is to pass on and share her love for these musical treasures inherited from previous generations. Wishing you a beautiful discovery of these magnificent interpretations!QuantityComing soonABOUT
"A source of inspiration”
"Mezzo-soprano, cantor and Concordia alumna Sofia Falkovitch enjoys her international reach.
Falkovitch’s remarkable singing talents extend beyond her voice and onstage presence to her fluency in Russian, French, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Spanish and English. Her singing range is wide, coloured and layered, while her technique both textured and complex. In her life as a singer, Falkovitch sees a treasure trove of opportunity to work together and communicate with people of other religions and cultures, through storytelling and creativity. Her optimistic and pragmatic outlook envisions a way to come together, to bridge the mosaical divide by tearing down walls and prejudices — through the gift of music."
– Concordia University
“Today’s leading voice of the Jewish Cantorial Art”
– Allegro
“A pioneer who finds her own way and style.”
– Deutsche Welle
“Her breathtaking 3-octave voice convinced even the biggest sceptics!”
“An Exceptional Artist!”
– Tribune Juive
“Expressive singing ... Beautiful recording ... The widespread program is presented in a subtly nuanced, soulful manner”– Pizzicato, in review of her album “Chants hébraïques et chants d'amour” (Hebrew & Love Songs) by Calliope Records, a 5-star award-winning CD from Diapason D'Or, Classica and Pizzicato.
Sofia captivates by her unique approach and original vocal expression, rare instantly recognizable 3-octave voice described as “transcendent”, her ability to communicate easily in many languages and all that with her natural charisma.
Paris-based mezzo-soprano, extemporizer, composer, artistic director and producer, Sofia Falkovitch is the first female cantor (hazzan) ever trained and ordained in Europe. She remains the only one in the history of France and leads an active international career.
Born in Moscow, Sofia studies in Israel, Germany and Canada, and is trained by sought-after voice professors and masters of Jewish music. Sofia is the Official Ambassador of the European Cantors Association, jury member of international vocal competitions, festivals, artistic and spiritual committees.
This prodigy’s primary aim is to pass on and share her love for the musical treasures inherited from previous generations. Her award-wining recordings and conceptual projects are regularly featured on TV and in festivals across Europe, Israel, Canada and the USA.
Among her teachers are Reine Décarie (Vincent d'Indy School of Music), Madeleine Thériault (Jazz Voice Professor at McGill Schulich School of Music), Marina Levitt and Penina Schwartz (Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance), Eliyahu Schleifer (Hebrew Union College of Jerusalem), Nino Sandow (Hanns Eisler Academy of Music Berlin), Verena Rein (Berlin University of the Arts) and Theresa Brancaccio (Northwestern Bienen School of Music).
Sofia is a scholarship recipient of the German National Academic Foundation Ernst-Ludwig-Ehrlich for Gifted Students. She learned Cantorial Arts at the School of Sacred Music of the Hebrew Union College and the Steinsaltz Institute in Jerusalem. She also studied at the Abraham Geiger College in Berlin and the University of Potsdam and wrote her Master’s thesis on the composer Samuel Naumbourg and his Influence on the Synagogue Music in Europe.
“Falkovitch, a mezzo-soprano, combines her opera training with ancient religious melodies and Yiddish folk music.” – Religion Unplugged Magazine. While Sofia’s main specialty is Jewish Sacred Music, she also boasts extensive non-Jewish repertoire in more than 7 languages, in various genres, styles and collaborates with world-renowned artists, such as Enrico Macias, Agnès Jaoui, Alberto Mizrahi (the Jewish Pavarotti).
Intercultural and interfaith dialogue is at the core of Sofia’s creative work. A highly sought-after all-round performer, cantor and speaker, Sofia is regularly invited to appear in gala concerts, recitals and officiates at public events in Paris (such as the Festival of Jewish Culture, the Museum of Jewish Art and History, Paris City Hall, art galleries), in Israel (Elma Concert Hall, Blaustein Hall Jerusalem, Masada Historic Complex), in Berlin and throughout Europe (including her appearance as the first female cantor in Luxembourg), in North America and Asia at prestigious concert halls and international festivals.
Sofia is an ambassador of her faith and a leading voice of her generation. She therefore sings in places of worship, Cathedrals, Mosques and Synagogues representing all major branches of contemporary Judaism (such as the Imperial Cathedral in Aachen, Copernic Synagogue Paris, The Great Mosque of Strasbourg, Berlin Oranienburger Strasse Synagogue, St. Matthäus-Kirche Kulturforum Berlin; the Long Night of Religions at the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Freie University Berlin and the European Days of Jewish Culture in Freiburg).
Sofia’s recent performances include UNESCO’s Official Ceremonies from Paris Headquarters, Official Delegation to Auschwitz-Birkenau, Historic Rumbach Synagogue in Budapest, the Sacrées Journées de Strasbourg Festival, La Madeleine Church, Oratoire du Louvre, Temple de l'Etoile and the Church of Saint-Merri in Paris, Historic Chicago Loop Synagogue (the first woman ever to sing on the bima of this Synagogue), KAM Isaiah Israel, BHBE in Chicago and the Jewish Music Festival in Brussels.
In addition to performances, Sofia’s voice is regularly featured on France Television, C8/Canal+, Deutsche Welle News (Germany’s public international broadcaster), WDR (West German Broadcaster), i24NEWS (Israeli international 24-hour news and current affairs television channel), Deutschland Radio, France Culture, FIP, Allegro classical music channel and other TV and radio networks.
An accomplished actress, Sofia appears in numerous Theater and TV productions, including the Russian-language production Franzuzkie Strasti (French Passions) and collaborations with Theatre "O!" in Montreal, Canada. There she created and hosted her popular cultural TV program "Russian Hour" on Global TV, toured with her innovative Yiddish Show "Desert Rites", appeared at the KlezKanada Festival and worked as a journalist for RTVi Overseas Media in New York.
Sofia’s performances are always sensational, her life story a source of fascination and the subject of documentaries for Deutsche Welle. Her creative and personal journey is also documented in the short film Di Shtim iz di Feder fun Hartsen (The Voice is the Pen of the Heart).
Sofia lives in Paris with her two children. She speaks French, German, English, Russian, Spanish, Hebrew and Yiddish (watch 7-Language-Video).
High resolution photos available on request
For concerts, recordings, religious ceremonies or interview requests in France and abroad, please contact us via the contact form below or email cantor@sofiafalkovitch.com
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© Sofia Falkovitch